Thursday, April 10, 2008

Day 11: Back to the Pearl Lady, Lunch at Mary's, and Fond Memories

After a trip to the doctor, who told us that Taiwan bugs take longer to get rid of than United States of America bugs and to expect two weeks of sickness for the kids, we decided we needed a root beer pick-me-up. Holden, Hazel, and I braved the long walk to the metro station, the long ride on the metro, and the long taxi ride to the Pearl Lady. I had to get some more gifts before leaving the country, you see..... So, after the Pearl Lady, we endured the long walk over to Wellman's, where we purchased a 6 pack of rootbeer and some rice a roni for twice the United States of America price. Then we ate lunch at Mary's, which was a real treat. Hamburgers! BLT's! Fries! Milkshakes! And they were delish, and cheap! Good bye, McDonalds! I don't care that you are simply one long walk away. I would MUCH rather walk to the metro, ride it several stops south, take a bus or taxi, and then walk a long way in order to eat at Mary's. By the end of our journey, we were all barely hanging on because of the exhaustion, but at least we were well-fed.

I have been reminiscing about the fun things Taiwan has to offer, especially now that I can't seem to do any of them because my kids are on their death beds. For example, there's this awesome park, called the 2-28 Peace Park, and they have these wicked cool cement slides.
Not to mention the wicked cool kids that go down the slides. Plus, the people-watching opportunities to be taken advantage of there are unbelievable, and the area is just BURSTING with culture! For example, what the heck is "Spong Ebob"? If you can't see it, that's what it says on the seat of that Taiwanese kid's pants (click to enlarge). Could "Spong eBob" be some sort of Taiwanese blessing of peace and good fortune? Or is it a saying from the native tribes of the island? I guess I'll never know!
Tune in tomorrow for day 10! Maybe we'll get some photos of our armchair!


  1. I wish I could go to the 2-28 Peace Park. Those slides DO look awesome. Although I wish they were a little wider so I could fit my rump inside.

  2. I did vote on the names - but would you like to try again? I hate to say I wasn't too excited about any of them. I know, I know, it's your choice! Are you in a Jane Austen mode? Those slides look cool. I know three small people that would love them. I'm glad you are taking advantage of all the sights, sounds, and food that your local has to offer. Sheryl

  3. This is your left brained father-in-law. Love the photo's. Your apartment looks nice. None of the names really rings my bell. How about april? I think a double syllable first name goes better with a single syllable last name. But, whatever you choose will be wonderful. Look forward to seeing you soon. Love you, Roger

  4. I must say I absolutely love your name choices. I had a hard time picking! My two faves are Ruby and Ingrid. You can't go wrong there!

    And those slides look like something Jacob would love. Especially if he were with beautiful Hazel. Holding hands. (I agree that they are made for each other.)

  5. I guess I shouldn't make our name choices public. I never meant to submit myself to ridicule!

  6. I LOVE your names! Love them. I voted for Eliza because I really wanted to someday use it. I love that they are classic (because you know I love the timeless names) and that they are also original and not so overused. You don't run the risk of having 5 other kids in the class with the same name!

  7. Thank you for the positive feedback. I think Mike and I just have a very specific name aesthetic, and it doesn't agree with a lot of other people's name aesthetics. We have quite a list of requirements, that include not being too popular or trendy, not sounding too cutesy, and having some ancestral significance. I also like literary names, so I guess I am sort of in a Jane Austen mode!

  8. At first I thought the kids were just trying to make do in Taiwan by sliding through the gutters. Is the cement smooth? It must be. Those sweats probably came from Spong Ebay.

    I love Ruby. I wanted to name Ellen Ruby at one point. She could have totally pulled it off. Eliza was a serious consideration as well. Nora seems Irish and is beautiful and dignified. Ingrid is sort of harsh sounding (kind of like Margaret) in a good way which your baby could pull off. Imagine Hazel as an Ingrid! Lovely. Your taste in names is impeccable. Never doubt it.

  9. I love ALL these names, especially Nora as you know. Peter and Nora Dibbleblotts. Love it.

  10. Carly, I love reading your blog, it's always so fun. I found you throug Alisa's blog. In case you don't remember me, we were visiting teaching partners in Tucson... Anyway, have a great day I hope you all get over your illness soon.

  11. Kathyd,
    How could I forget the mother of "Dirty Eye Dude"? I am so excited to hear from you. What have you guys been up to?

  12. I think your name choices are lovely! Are you giving up then on a H name? I voted for Ingrid. It's so different from the norm now. Keep your chin up, luckily you get to decide on the name choices and no one else! I chose my children's names and didn't listen to any of the dull roar around me and now everyone's use to it. Love Jenn
