Saturday, April 2, 2011

New Mud Area

We have a long hallway in our kitchen that serves as a sort of mudroom. It was always a disaster, with only five hooks and a messy shoe cubby that collected bags, papers, tools intended to go to the garage, etc. I decided to make a change, so we wallpapered the wall (which was horrifyingly hard), and then with the help of a friend Mike made a Shaker peg rail. I wanted to buy two from, but it would have cost $150. Instead, we spent about $30. We bought a long board, cut it to length and used a router saw to make the edges nice, drilled holes, painted the board and peg separately, assembled it, then screwed it to the wall. I was skeptical about the whole process, and just wanted to buy something already finished, but this was a cinch and I am so happy that this rail runs the entire length of the wall. Now we have 20+ hooks and there's no excuse for clutter. I sort of want a different bench for this space, but that's another blog.


  1. This looks so good. I love it.

  2. I love it. Would that I would be together enough to spend such thought and effort to make a lovely mudroom. Aw heck, would that I even HAD a mudroom!

    It's just beautiful and I am impressed. LOVE the wallpaper.

  3. Careful. Your home projects are looking so good it might put you in the "Martha" category.

    I love the wallpaper!

  4. Love your looks terrific.

  5. Wonderful! I'm happy to finally see it, too!

  6. Looks great. Try Pottery Barn for a bench or Michael's Creations.
