Wednesday, February 23, 2005

I Have M. Night Shyamalan's Number

So I watched the Village for the first time this weekend, and I must say, I totally had it figured out way before Mike (then again, he would have had a hard time figuring it out, watching it with his eyes half closed and all). I think ol' Night and I are cut from the same cloth (i.e., we are both visionary film geniuses. I just need to write him about my Ronald McDonald barber shop idea, and we'll have the next Sixth Sense on our hands). Speaking of Sixth Sense, I had that figured out way ahead of schedule, too.

In other news, I haven't been blogging a lot lately. This is because I have been spending a lot of time on my new memory foam. That's right. Mike surprised me on Valentine's Day with memory foam. So I've been doing pretty much everything in bed: eating, reading, grading papers, showering... And, because I am now getting restful sleep, I haven't had the usual inspiration that comes to me as I toss and turn until 2:00 am. For me, clever blogs = no sleep at night. So what will I do? I'll be back when something really hits me. In the mean time, I'm off to my memory foam to pay some bills.


  1. Brilliant work, detective. Somehow, I ended up seeing The Village three times in the theater. Each time I was still scared, even though after the first time I knew what was going to happen. I'm jealous of your MF.

  2. Your gain is our loss. Could you blog on the foam? (I just wanted to say that.)

  3. Oooh, you're brave. I can't claim to be emotionally sound enough for most of his movies. I guess that goes without saying though. Plus, you can figure them out too.

    Perhaps you should approach him about the Ronald McDonald barber shop...where is that wig anyway?

  4. You are MUCH smarter than I...I was fooled...everytime! Even when I thought "it couldn't be will be something much more cerebral and chilling"...and it was just aliens...

    But please elaborate on the Ronald McDonald barber shop thing...

  5. Marcy: Here you go again with the MF = Memory Foam. I dare you to post "I'm jealous of your MF" on any other site and see what your response is.

    Carly: Congratulations on the new MF. Looks like you'll be MF'n it for the foreseeable future.

    Signed, Your fellow MF'er. (By "fellow" I don't mean that we have the same MF. I just mean that I too sleep with an MF pad.)

  6. Christian, Thanks for acknowledging my MF. I wrote it just for you.

  7. Ronald McDonald babershop story soon to come. I must give credit where credit is due, though: the inspiration for this film came from one of Robyn's dreams. Right, Robyn?

  8. Hey, I'm a MF, too! Life is much better as a MF. Everyone should be a MF.

    But, I hate scarey movies.
