Sunday, November 20, 2005

A Few More Braggy Baby Pictures

(Wildly entertaining post about my need for assertiveness training and Holden's refusal to pay tithing soon to follow)


  1. V. cute! This must be the playhouse I was looking for on GoogleEarth ;)

  2. Does Hazel have red hair? I love that.

  3. Hazel does look like a red head in these pictures! Is she? So adorable. Holden will be a very dashing catch for Maddie. And I think Jacob will totally win sweet Hazel over. Ian who? Just kidding. Kinda.

  4. So when Holden is being naughty (Not that he ever does)do you send him home to his house?

    Again, beautiful chibs.

  5. Ahhh, compliments. Just what I was looking for. I think Hazel's hair has a bit of a red tinge, yes. I guess we'll just have to stay tuned to see what color it will end up being. Robyn: let the contest for Hazel's hand begin.

  6. She seems to look like Mike. Would you agree?

  7. All my children look like Mike...don't let ANYBODY tell you differently. Ahem.

  8. I know I am late late late, but your kids are beautiful!!
